The Cluster participates in the Reverse Conferences for the Latin American market, organized by Turespaña

The Cluster participates in the Reverse Conferences for the Latin American market, organized by Turespaña

  • The Cluster traveled to Barcelona to participate in these premium tourism commercial conferences, focused on the markets of Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Peru.

For the first time, Turespaña held the Premium Tourism Reverse Conference in Barcelona (organized within the framework of the Turespaña Forum – Premium Tourism LATAM 2024) for the Latin American market. The Galician Tourism Cluster, accompanied by Turismo de Galicia and representatives of the Galician companies Galiwonders, Viando Treks S.L., Viajes InterRías, Pilgrim and Viajes Camino de Santiago,, participated in the Inverse Conferences to support the marketing of Spanish tourism for Latin American markets , held from October 28 to 31, 2024.


There, the Cluster promoted the Galician tourism offer in Latin American markets, participating with the catalogs of wholesale travel agencies for inbound and luxury tourism, and with the tourism brand ‘Galicia Destino Sostible’. Within the framework of these sessions, 66 meetings have been held with operators in the Latin American market, highlighting the markets of Mexico, Colombia, Brazil and Argentina (which represent 80% of the Latin American issuing market).


In the meetings, the operators showed their interest in the Galicia destination. Some of them already included it among their products and, therefore, were seeking to expand their offering with lesser-known experiences and products. Others, who had not yet included Galicia in their catalogue, were very interested in including it.


The objective of the conference was to connect the demand of the issuing countries (with up to 75 LATAM buyers) with the Spanish offer, to explore the possibilities of professional cooperation that produce mutual benefit, measured in terms of trips, hotel stays, congresses and meetings and consumption of tourist services in Spain, which result in an increase in the arrivals of Latin American tourists to our country and their spending at the destination.


The Latin American market for Spain


Latin American markets represent a key source of tourism for Spain, with notable growth in recent years in the number of visits and spending. Mexico, Brazil, Argentina, Colombia, Chile and Peru are some of the main emitters, with each showing particularities in their travel preferences and behaviors.


Mexico and Brazil stand out for their volume of visits and high spending, the first oriented mainly towards urban and cultural tourism, while Brazilians look for less crowded destinations.

Argentina, with a significant post-pandemic recovery, leads in preference for Spain as a European destination, and Chile and Colombia also experience notable increases, driven by the elimination of the Schengen visa and a growing preference for cultural tourism. Peru, with a high percentage of premium tourists, reinforces this trend towards sustainable and high-value tourism.