The Cluster, Ecoembes and the Xunta join forces to promote recycling in the tourism sector

The agreement signed between the three organisations is part of the 2021-2023 Galicia Safe Destination Master Plan and its objectives of developing Galicia as a sustainable destination and promoting regenerative tourism.


The promotion of recycling in the tourism sector is the objective of the agreement signed today between Ecoembes, the entity that coordinates the recycling of packaging in Spain; the Xunta de Galicia and the Galician Tourism Cluster. Under the agreement, the three organisations undertake to work together on several lines of action, such as the delivery by Ecoembes of bins and yellow and blue containers to the Cluster. These materials will be distributed among the organisation’s associates in order to encourage the correct separation of their waste.


The agreement signed by the conselleira for the Environment, Territory and Housing, Ángeles Vázquez; the director of Local and Regional Management of Ecoembes, Ángel Hervella, and the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, also provides for the organisation of clean-up days in natural spaces and awareness-raising actions on the negative effects that rubbish causes in these places. Training activities on sustainability, recycling and climate change will also be carried out for staff and members of the Cluster, who will also have access to information materials provided by Ecoembes.


During the official signing of the agreement, Cesáreo Pardal stressed that the strategic objectives of the 2021-2023 Master Plan Galicia Destino Seguro include the development of the community as a sustainable destination and pointed out the importance of moving towards regenerative tourism. Pardal pointed out that the Cluster has always been committed to sustainability and showed the willingness of all the entities that make it up to move forward in the transformation of the sector. For his part, the representative of Ecoembes stressed that this action will be able to reach more than 8,000 establishments.


The conselleira of Environment said that this new initiative will complement other actions already underway in the field of tourism as the campaign Way to Recycling present in the accommodations of the routes to Compostela to raise awareness among pilgrims about recycling and care of natural areas.