Cluster Turismo Galicia launches competition for implementing joint tourism projects in 2016


Cluster Turismo Galicia launches competition for implementing joint tourism projects in 2016

Projects must be submitted by May 20 for its development by the Cluster Turismo Galicia before November 2016

Cluster Turismo  launches this year a new contest of ideas to carry out cooperation projects between the different partners CTG during 2016. The proposals, which Prodan get up to 60,000 euros of funding, should turn around quality, creation of new tourism products, use of ICT, Camino de Santiago or marketing, promotion or internationalization of the product or the tourist offer.

The cluster allocated for these actions starting total of 150,000 euros to promote projects that allow foster cooperation between different agents or companies associated with the CTG. Thus, for example, they may submit proposals for publicity campaign and materials development, press and fam trips, dissemination events, technological innovation projects, etc.

It should be noted that all projects, which must be executed before 1 November 2016, must be submitted by more than one entity associated with CTG, notwithstanding that it would be desirable that all those mismatched be grouped for the purpose of the project. Also, an entity associated with the CTG may not submit more than one project or be included in more than one joint project. Violation of this policy, would be excluded from all presentados.o previous projects necessary to duly justified.

In the download area of ​​the Cluster both with the competition rules, as the scoring criteria and a model is available to present the project. The deadline for submissions is May 20.