The Galicia Sustainable Destination Product Club adds four new additions

The Galicia Sustainable Destination Product Club adds four new additions

Camino en Kayak, Corticata, Hotel & Talaso Louxo La Toja and Eclectic restaurant are the four new companies that, from now on, are part of the Galicia Sustainable Destination product club.


The Galicia sustainable destination product club is an initiative launched by the Galician Tourism Cluster with funding from the Xunta de Galicia. Its objective is to integrate and value the tourist offer of the region that contributes to the sustainable growth of the destination. At this moment the club offers more than 150 experiences that come from Galician companies.


Through its website, it connects tourists and companies, facilitating access to all of Galicia’s sustainable tourism offer. In this portal you can find everything from routes by boat, bicycle or on foot, to different packages that combine gastronomy, accommodation, wine culture, sports and adventure.


The club continues to grow and has just incorporated four more companies, the first in 2023, bringing the number of members of this initiative promoted by the Galician Tourism Cluster to seventy with the collaboration of the Xunta. At the meeting of the evaluation committee held on April 14, it was agreed to accept the applications for membership submitted by those responsible for Camino en Kayak, Corticata, Hotel & Talaso Louxo La Toja and Eclectic Restaurant.


These four companies thus join an increasingly broad group of companies in which the sectors of travel agencies, restaurants, accommodation and the complementary tourist offer are represented.


The club remains open to the incorporation of any Galician company that belongs to the subsectors of accommodation, restaurants, travel agencies and providers of complementary tourism that meet the required requirements.


If you are a company and have an official sustainability certification (S from ICTE, Biosphere, Green Key, Eu Ecolabel, Green Globe21, Travellife, Rainforest Alliance Certified, Green Star of the MICHELIN Guide, etc.) or an environmental certification (ISO 14000, EMAS , etc.), you can join the club directly, since these certifications are considered an enabling requirement. If you do not have any, you can join the club if you meet 100% of the mandatory requirements and at least 33% of those considered valuable. You can obtain more information through the number 881 50 51 02 or by email


Galicia Sustainable Destination will help the Galician tourism sector to move towards a tourism model more aligned with the Sustainable Development Goals of the 2030 Agenda and to value its commitment to Galicia.