Cluster and Tourism of Galicia organize 20 working groups to learn about the current situation of the tourism sector

Cluster and Tourism of Galicia organize 20 working groups to learn about the current situation of the tourism sector


Last week the Galician Tourism and Tourism Cluster began the first two of the 20 work tables planned to prepare a diagnosis of the tourism sector in Galicia. These conferences, in which agents from the sector are invited, are the starting point of a participatory process to learn first-hand about the needs and demands of the sector. With the information collected, a diagnosis will be prepared that will serve as a basis for designing tourism planning for the coming years.


The initiative, the result of collaboration between the Cluster and the Tourism Agency, seeks the maximum participation of all agents in the tourism ecosystem. After the first two days of working on it at the Cee House of Culture and the NH Collection A Coruña Finisterre in A Coruña, the participatory sessions will visit the Salnés region, Baiona, Salvaterra de Miño, Lugo, Ourense, Ribadeo , Lalín, Monforte de Lemos, Sarria, Sanxenxo, Ferrol, Porto do Son, Pontevedra, Abegondo, A Rúa, Monterrei, Allariz and Santiago de Compostela.


In parallel with this call, an online questionnaire was launched to accommodate all professionals in this field who want to participate. The objective is to collect information about the diversity of perspectives and challenges that tourism faces in different areas of the community.


All information about the diagnosis process is available on the portal and those interested in participating in any of the tables can register through the participate section.


Making the diagnosis


Furthermore, in collaboration with the three Galician universities, a scientific analysis will be prepared on the supply, demand and value chain of the tourism sector in Galicia, analyzing at retail the resources that constitute part of its differential offer. This analysis will also address the qualitative and quantitative evolution of the sector in the period 2016-2023.


With this study, Turismo de Galicia and the Tourism Cluster seek to know the current picture of the sector at a time marked by changes in tourist habits, with trends marked by sustainability and digitalization. These issues will be addressed in the diagnosis along with three other key aspects: supply, analyzing Galicia’s retail resources that constitute part of its differential offer; the demand, with the aim of knowing its evolution in recent years; and the Galician tourism value chain, delimiting the tourism sector from a business point of view.