Cesáreo Pardal claimed in Sportur and the Empuxe Forum the importance of sustainability.

Cesáreo Pardal claimed in Sportur and the Empuxe Forum the importance of sustainability.

The president of the Cluster participated in Ourense in a round table on sustainability in the Pilgrims’ Ways to Santiago and debated in Noia on tourism and territory.


Tourism plays a key role in the development of the territory, as was made clear in recent days in two forums held in as many points of Galicia and in which the Galicia Tourism Cluster was present to give voice once again to the sector and express their concerns and aspirations.


The fifth edition of Sportur Galicia, the Sports and Active Tourism Exhibition, was held in Ourense, and among the activities planned was the third International Congress on Sports Tourism, which brought together a large group of experts to discuss issues as diverse as sports tourism in protected areas, the opportunities offered for the sector by the Next Generation funds, the prospects for golf tourism in Galicia and the legal and regulatory implications of active tourism. There was also time to discuss sustainability in the Ways of St. James through a round table with the participation of Ildefonso de la Campa, head of the SA de Gestión del Xacobeo; Begoña Abalo, Product Planner of the agency specialised in the Way Tee Travel, and the president of the Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal.


In his speech, Cesáreo Pardal advocated to reconcile the use of the Way of St. James as a tourist, cultural, historical and economic resource of the first order with the preservation of the environment and heritage. He also pointed out the importance that the collaboration of all actors involved (public and private sector, and society as a whole) has to achieve this goal of sustainability. “From the Galician tourism sector we do not lose sight of this and that is why we have been working for years in favour of sustainable tourism that allows us to enjoy our natural, heritage, cultural, gastronomic and traditional wealth. Only in this way we will guarantee to future generations to continue doing a good Way”, said Cesáreo Pardal to indicate that in this line is framed, precisely, one of the latest initiatives launched by the Cluster: the Product Club Galicia Destino Sostible.


Sustainability also occupied a large part of the intervention that the president of the Cluster made a day later in Noia in the Empuxe Forum organised by the Deloa Association to design and plan the development strategy for the period 2023-2027 in its territories of action (municipalities of Boiro, Dodro, Lousame, Muros, Noia, Outes, Padrón, A Pobra do Caramiñal, Porto do Son, Rianxo, Ribeira and Rois). In this case, Cesáreo Pardal shared time for discussion on the issue of tourism and territory with Eva Castro, director of projects and operations of Alinea ODS and vice-president of the International Network of Promoters of the ODS Spain; Ovidio Queiruga, president of the Community of Mounts de Baroña, and Carlos Rodríguez, employment and local development agent of the Council of Outes.


Cesáreo Pardal claimed the potential of the municipalities of the Deloa territory to respond to tourists who demand natural spaces and uncrowded places, with history, tradition and culture, and that offer the possibility of enjoying unique experiences. He also stressed that sustainability is one of the Cluster’s major commitments, as demonstrated by the launch of Galicia Destino Sostible.