A team of experts will offer individualized technical advice to Galician tourism companies to deal with the effects of COVID19

Aware of the difficult situation that the COVID19 crisis has caused in the Galician tourism sector, the Cluster Turismo de Galicia launches an online consultancy service, Turismo 100×100, with which it seeks to provide the Galician tourism network with efficient tools so that it can emerge strengthened from this difficult situation. In collaboration with the Galician Tourism Agency and within the framework of the Reactivation Plan for the tourism and cultural sectors, the new service will offer specialized and individualized technical advice through a multidisciplinary team of experts who will advise SMEs and self-employed people in the tourism sector who request it.

The advice will be personalized and is contemplated up to a maximum of 5 sessions of two hours, with the aim of making a diagnosis of the company and implement actions in the short term, with concrete solutions and easy implementation, thus offering a quick and concrete response. “The final objective is to achieve business survival,” explains the president of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal, who highlights the interest of the Cluster in providing professionals with tools that allow them to work with specialists in different areas to effectively and directly address their main problems, “working directly with companies in implementing the changes necessary to adapt to the reality caused by the pandemic.

Resolution of doubts and access to the service
“We seek to give a fast and personal response, in real time, we have no time to lose to help companies adapt to this new reality that we have to live,” explains the president of the CTG.
Through the access to the web https://turismo100x100.clusterturismogalicia.com , those interested in accessing this service will be able to access a centralized attention point where the businessmen will be able to solve doubts and opt for this service, which will allow them to implement measures in a maximum period of one month.
Those interested can contact the new service also through the mail turismo100x100@ctg.gal or phone 881 505 102.

Friday September 4th, 2020

The Cluster Turismo de Galicia launches a specialized tourism consultancy service, Turismo 100×100

Un equipo de expertos ofrecerán asesoramiento técnico individualizado a las empresas turísticas gallegas para hacer frente a los efectos de la COVID19
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