• Viajes Abra-mar, S.A.
  • Amount awarded: 13.713,39 euros (VAT INCLUDED)
Friday January 20th, 2017

Adjudication technical assistance for the organization of a commercial mission to the International Fair Fitur Madrid 2017

Viajes Abra-mar, S.A. Amount awarded: 13.713,39 euros (VAT INCLUDED)
Monday December 19th, 2016

Specification that will govern the contracting of a service of “technical support for the organization of a commercial mission to the international fair ITB Berlin 2017” with the collaboration of Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

Deadline to submit applications until January 3, 2017 Download sheets
Saturday December 3rd, 2016

Technical assistance for the implementation of a system to improve tourism marketing online and exploitation of statistical information associated

Resolution: VOID The deadline for nominations ends on November 7 Download the specifications
Saturday December 3rd, 2016

Technical assistance for the development of a promotional campaign, Workshop format, in nearby destinations

Resolution: VOID The deadline for nominations ends on November 7 Download the specifications