One more edition, the Clúster Turismo de Galicia summons a contest of ideas with the objective of selecting the best projects and starting them from the CTG. Each project must be submitted by more than one entity associated with the CTG, without prejudice to the fact that it would be desirable to group all those that coincide with the purpose of the project. With a maximum of 60,000 euros per project, ideas on one or more of the proposed subjects: use of ICT to improve marketing, Camino de Santiago, quality, creation of tourism product, marketing, promotion or internationalization, following the criteria And characteristics that are stipulated in the bases of the contest, that already can be downloaded in this link.

The deadline for submitting the proposals, which should be sent by e-mail to, ends on February, 6

Download the sheets in pdf

Download the form to fill out

Tuesday December 26th, 2017

Convocation of the Ideas Contest of the Clúster Tourism of Galicia for associates

One more edition, the Clúster Turismo de Galicia summons a contest of ideas with the objective of selecting the best projects and starting them from the […]
Friday December 22nd, 2017

Specifications that will govern the contracting of a service of “technical office for the management of collaboration agreements formalized from the Galician Tourism Cluster”

Open deadline until 8 de january Download the sheet
Thursday December 21st, 2017

Award “Technical assistance for the organization of a commercial mission to ITB Berlin 2018” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia – Tourism Agency of Galicia.

o Awardee: Viajes Sant Yago S. A. o Awarded amount: 30.672,00 euros
Tuesday December 19th, 2017

Award “Technical assistance for the organisation of a trade mission to the International Fair Fitur madrid 2018” with the collaboration of the Xunta de Galicia -Axencia Turismo de Galicia.

o Awardee: Viajes Halcón S. A. o Awarded amount: 13.050,00 euros