• The call, for competitive competition, will be open from June 7 at 00:00 until July 6 at 23:59.
  • Private natural or legal persons, owners of tourist establishments or services, or town halls and instrumental entities that manage public services can opt for it.
  • This year the “S” mark for Sustainability is also included for those people who have previously and/at the same time the “Q” certification for Tourism Quality.


The Xunta de Galicia announces subsidies to tourist establishments and services of public and/or private management in the processes of certification, monitoring and renewal of the corresponding UNE standards in order to obtain and/or maintain the “Q” mark for Tourist Quality of the Institute for Spanish Tourist Quality (ICTE).


The aid line, which will be granted on a competitive basis, may be requested from 00:00 on June 7, and until 23:59 on July 6. Private natural or legal persons who own tourist service establishments, as well as town halls and their instrumental entities that manage public services of local competence, may apply for this subsidy.


Eligible actions are considered to be those aimed at improving tourism quality through processes of first certification, monitoring and/or renewal of the ICTE Q Tourism Quality mark. External audit expenses and the costs derived from the rights to use the “Q” mark may be subsidized once the certification, monitoring and/or renewal of the brand may be subsidized. In addition, this year the “S” mark for Tourism Sustainability is also included for those persons or entities that have previously and/at the same time the “Q” certification for Tourism Quality, being able to cover the quotas of the rights of use of this mark by the year 2023.


Those entities or tourist services that apply for membership for the first time, must present the ICTE certificate on the application, a budget broken down by concepts of the actions to be carried out, a budget or invoice from the auditing company accredited by the ICTE referring to the costs. external audit of the brand for the current year, and another corresponding to the annual fee for the use of the brand for the current year.


The subsidy has a total credit of €170,000, of which €160,000 goes to private entities and €10,000 to town halls. The maximum percentage of aid on the eligible investment will be calculated based on the score reached by the projects presented, which may be 60%, 65% or 70%. In the case of the external audit costs derived from the postponements of the 2022 monitoring/renewal processes, the amount of the aid will have an intensity of 30%.


For processes of 1st certification and/or renewal of the “Q” mark, the maximum amount will be €2,000, and €1,000 for follow-up processes. For applications whose external audit is carried out with the multi-site modality, the amount will be €3,000 for processes of 1st certification and/or renewal of the “Q” mark, and €2,000 and for follow-up processes.


You can access the call through the official electronic office of the Xunta de Galicia, with the procedure code TU970LA.

Tuesday June 6th, 2023

The Xunta calls for aid to obtain or maintain the “Q” mark for Tourist Quality and the “S” for Tourist Sustainability

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