Overall, January was a good month for the Galician accommodation in operation as the community increased the number of travelers in the first month of the year to reach 163,063 in the hotel and non-hotel accommodation group, which includes tourist apartments, campsites , Hostels and rural tourism accommodation. If we talk about overnight stays, the number exceeded 292,000 in total. It should be noted that, in the case of hotels, the increase translates into 5,700 new travelers with respect to last year.
This is the second consecutive year in which Galicia registers an improvement of its levels of travelers lodged in this month of January obtaining in this year a higher number of the last nine years. Increased both international and domestic tourism, which improves figures both in travelers and overnight stays. This is the second consecutive year in which there is an increase in domestic tourism in this first month of the year – and by 2016 had registered a rise of 3.9% – which as a result that this market registers slightly more than 113,000 Nights, the highest figure in the last five years.
Likewise, the hotel occupancy also improved with respect to the month of January of the last year obtaining the highest number in the last eight years. Galicia also improved profitability levels in relation to the same period of 2016, increasing RevPAR by 2%.
On the other hand, a positive performance of the hotel demand was registered at the state level, with improvements in both the number of overnight travelers and overnight stays, which increased by 5.8% and 3.5%, respectively.