Within the framework of the participation of the Cluster Tourism of Galicia in Fitur there was also an opportunity to make a first approach with an Argentinean delegation of Santiago del Estero with the aim of collaborating with them in the improvement of the tourist competitiveness of the destination Termas del Río Hondo.
A rapprochement that was concretized in the signature of a protocol of collaboration between the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia and the Subsecretary of Tourism of the Province of Santiago del Estero, that will also have as objective to know the advances that in tourist quality has made the Galician tourist sector.
Las Termas del Río Hondo is the main tourist destination of this Argentine province and with this agreement, signed by the undersecretary of Tourism of Santiago del Estero, Ricardo Sosa, with the president of the Cluster of Tourism of Galicia, Cesareo Pardal, it seeks to strengthen institutional ties that materialize in activities in Santiago del Estero and Galicia, besides generating the participation in seminars, conferences, fairs, symposiums and congresses that represent the potential development of the tourism.
The mayor of Las Termas de Río Hondo, Jorge Mukdise, and the member of the Cluster responsible for Expourense, Emma González, were also present at the signing. The signing of this agreement is part of the search for cooperation with other entities in the field of tourism and health, with the aim of absorbing knowledge of Galicia, “which has an advanced status in terms of tourism quality and competitiveness,” as explained Sosa.