Advice, personalization and guarantees, the most valued aspects of travel agencies according to ObservaTUR

Advice, personalization and guarantees, the most valued aspects of travel agencies according to ObservaTUR

  • The marketing of insurance and the contracting of activities in destinations, the complementary services most requested by clients.

The Observatory of Outbound Tourism of Spain, an instrument for analysis and monitoring of outbound tourism promoted by Amadeus, AON, Beroni, Carrefour Viajes, IAG7/Airmet, Iberia, Ilunion Hotels, iryo, Mundiplan, ReiniziaT and the National Association of Travel Agencies (UNAV) have conducted a survey on the aspects that travel agency clients value most.


Most valued aspects of the agencies
Professional advice 54%
Travel customization capacity 48%
Security and guarantees provided 45%
Knowledge of complex destinations 22%
Understanding and fulfilling desires associated with travel 20%
Technology and information to improve the experience 11%

Source: ObservaTUR


Percentage-wise, the most valued service in this survey is that related to professional advice from agents, receiving 54% of the votes. Another added value that clients recognize, and with an increasing trend, is the ability of travel agencies to design customized trips, highlighting the personalization of experiences, with 48%. The third aspect that stands out about travel agencies is the one that refers to the security and guarantees they provide, highlighted by 45% of those consulted.


Finally, the survey closes with knowledge of complex destinations (22%), understanding and fulfilling wishes associated with the trip (20%), and technology and information to improve the experience (11%).


Complementary services in agencies 23-24 22-23 21-22
Hiring experiences and activities at the destination 34% 9% 10%
Marketing of insurance associated with travel 54% 42% 16%
Vehicle rental 12% 2% 3%

Source: ObservaTUR


Regarding complementary services in agencies, the most requested are insurance marketing (54%) and contracting activities at destinations (34%). Vehicle rental increases its prominence in 2023/2024, reaching 12%.