Accelerate the digital strategy and customize the value proposition, priorities for Spain as a tourist destination

Accelerate the digital strategy and customize the value proposition, priorities for Spain as a tourist destination

According to the annual report of Deloitte on the prospects of the tourism sector for this year, “Expectatives of Tourism 2017” tourism in Spain has not yet reached a ceiling and is expected to continue its growth, marked this year, in addition, by a slight rebound in prices and by the Bet on the renovation, by the hotel establishments. According to Jorge Schoenenberger, managing partner of Deloitte’s Travel, Hospitality, Leisure and Transport industry, the good economic outlook of our major issuing markets: UK, despite the threat posed by brexit; Germany and France will mark a continued growth in 2017, reinforced by the weakness of other tourist destinations like Turkey, Tunisia or Egypt.

Within the framework of these positive perspectives, hotel investment has returned to reach 2,000 Millions of euros of investment, which consolidates to him like an attractive sector for multitude of investors. This trend will foreseeably continue through 2017, according to the high volumes of investment produced in the first months of the year. All this, contagion to the sector of an optimism that is reflected in the survey to the tourist sector in which it emphasizes that seven out of ten managers expect to grow more than in 2016.

Among the future challenges faced by professionals in the tourism industry, the report emphasizes putting experience at the center of the strategy, which implies the implementation of values ​​such as innovation or the technological vanguard as well as a Companies in the line of income, optimizing tariffs and distribution strategies. Finally, the report also focuses on the development of the collaborative economy, on knowing the eSports world as a business opportunity or learning from new trends in restoration, without forgetting aspects such as the opportunities derived from Marketing Automation, technology Applied to the relationship with the customer, robotics or human capital management.

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