Open the deadline to participate in the presentations scheduled by the Cluster in Malaga and Madrid


Open the deadline to participate in the presentations scheduled by the Cluster in Malaga and Madrid

A maximum of 26 companies will be able to take part in the activities to be held on May 9 and 10.


Both days will begin with a workshop with local companies that will give way to a presentation of the destination and a tasting of Galician products.


The Cluster has just opened the registration period for its next promotional trip to Galicia. The activity will focus on the national market and will take place in two cities with great potential for our tourism sector: Malaga and Madrid. There will be there two workshops, in which our entrepreneurs will be able to interact with local operators, and there will also be a presentation of the Galician destination, with a projection of a promotional video and a brief institutional intervention, and a tasting of Galician products.


The trip will take place in mid-May and a maximum of 26 Galician companies will be able to take part. The appointment in Malaga will be on Tuesday, May 9. A day later it will be the turn of the Spanish capital. In both cases, the events will begin at 8 pm. In order to encourage and reward the participation of local agents, at the end of the evening several stays in Galicia will be raffled.


The deadline to register for this trip will be open until April 12, at 8 p.m., and in case there are more applications than places, they will be assigned following the priority criteria that can be consulted in this link. Those interested in participating must complete this form, make a transfer of 100 euros to the Cluster as a guarantee and send the bank receipt to