Open call to apply for the elixe Galicia program designed to promote domestic tourism

DOGA collects the resolutions and application forms for each of the three groups to which the program is directed: young people, families with children under age and over 55 years

Stays will start in March this year for months outside the summer season

The Xunta de Galicia officially presented the Elixe Galicia program that will allow 13 thousand Galicians from different groups to enjoy a holiday in Galicia at a reduced cost. Aimed at young people under 30, families with under-age children and pensioners over 55 for the months outside the summer season, the Xunta de Galicia is financing 40% of these stays, which will allow them to visit the Community on different itineraries: Holidays in coastal areas, Cultural Heritage Routes, Nature Routes and Stays at Spas.

Those interested have a period of one month to submit their application online or through any travel agency in the Community. The conselleiro of Culture and Tourism, Román Rodríguez, presented the initiative in which the Xunta invests 1.4 million euros and with which it intends to mobilize more than 3.4 million euros in the tourism sector of the Community betting on the quality and the deseasonalization of the offer. At the presentation ceremony of the program was accompanied by Nava Castro, director of the Tourism Agency of Galicia, Cesáreo Pardal, president of the Tourism Cluster of Galicia, and José Ramón Fernández, director general of Cntravel, the Galician company awarded the design and management of the program.

The Minister of Culture and Tourism explained that this programme will allow the Galician Government to continue advancing in the tourism model, and at the same time “it will favour the creation of quality employment”, as between 70 and 90 Galician companies are involved, and will allow the economic dynamisation of rural areas, stimulating tourism activity in the middle and low seasons, and improving the knowledge of Galicia by the Galicians themselves. “We believe that this program will be able to consolidate itself as a key tool to continue taking steps forward in our roadmap,” said Román Rodríguez.

The president of the Cluster stressed in his speech the importance of continuing to grow the weight of the domestic market so that we Galicians can continue to “boast about Galicia”: “but even more important than the growth of the domestic market, which already accounts for 25% of the total, is that this increase occurs mainly in the middle and low season, contributing to the longed-for deseasonalization that is already a reality for Galicia”.

Drawing and allocation of places
Those interested have one month, from today until 3 March, to submit their applications telematically using the standard forms included in the call, depending on whether they are young people under 30, families with children or pensioners over 55. In addition, any travel agency in the Community can be contacted for information and advice on completing the necessary forms.

In the application must choose a mode of the four available and a period between the three offered in this 2020, which will begin after Easter and until June 20 and will resume, after the summer, from September 11 and during the following months. The trips will take place, mostly, during the weekends. A percentage of the places will be reserved for large families, disabled people or people on low incomes, something that must be specified in their application. The periods exclude the summer months and Easter with the aim of encouraging tourist activity outside the high season.

Subsequently, the allocation of places will be made by drawing lots according to the different groups, modalities and seasons. Once the draw is made, the resolution of the even between the end of March and the beginning of April will be published and those interested must pay 20% of the amount allocated in any travel agency within three working days to formalize their request. The whole of the place must be completed 60 days before the day set for the beginning of the experience and, in the case of people who are not beneficiaries of the draw, they will be part of a waiting list and will have the possibility of opting for places not covered by the beneficiaries by managing it directly with the marketing travel agencies.