Innovation and future challenges for the Galician accommodation sector are the focus of the II CSHG Hotel Forum

Innovation and future challenges for the Galician accommodation sector are the focus of the II CSHG Hotel Forum

The future challenges and alternatives that independent hotels have outside the large chains or franchises, innovation and the role of new technologies in hotel entrepreneurship or the differentiation, quality and services that new hotel models must offer in mature markets such as ours were some of the aspects addressed in the second edition of the Hotel Forum promoted by the Centro Superior de Hostelería de Galicia (CSHG) held in Santiago. The meeting, which was attended by leading professionals from different hotel chains, hotel directors or consultancies, was closed by the director of Tourism of Galicia, Nava Castro, who highlighted the importance of this type of forum to continue positioning Galicia in a market as the current, so competitive and globalized. Castro also stressed the importance of quality and training in its achievement and in the incorporation of new technologies to further develop a sector he defined as “key” to the Galician economy.
The conference was developed through two round tables with the participation of Álvaro Lens, director of the Blue Coruña Hotel, Albert Grau, partner and director of Mamga Hospitality Consulting; Jesús Seseña, director of development of Accor Hoteles in Spain and Portugal and Jorge Rosillio, director of Hotels in Savills Aguirre Newman in a first round table discussion on independent hotels and franchises which was moderated by Casimiro Coello, director of Alimarket. Next up. This was followed by a second round table discussion, focused on the hotel business, led by Ignacio Jiménez, founding partner of Hidden Away Hotels; Juanjo Bande, Airbnb Host and consultant at Erentalsurvey; Gonzalo de la Mata, founder and CEO of Sleep’N Hotels and Jesús Rodriguez, associate director Horwhat HTL Spain and Portugal, under the moderation of Segittur’s director of institutional relations and technology, Víctor Badorrey. In this last round table, the speakers addressed the emergence of the Airbnb phenomenon as well as the changes in the way customers behave and consume and the role that new technologies have played in these changes.