In collaboration with the Institute for Spanish Tourism Quality, Turismo de Galicia has offered a technical briefing addressed to all coastal municipalities Galicians to account for regulatory changes that will take effect this year and will involve changes to the process obtaining the Quality Q for beaches.
The director of Competitivity Tourism Galicia, José Luis Maestro, and technical director of ICTE, MariCruz Cadiz, were responsible for directing the activity, held at the Centro de Hostlería de Galicia . In the event the main innovations introduced to obtain the Q for Quality Tourism in beaches, certification that manages the ICTE, due to the recent adoption of a new standard for international character, the UNE-ESO 13009: 2016, which it comes to replace the one that was being implemented, the UNE 18700: 2011.
Based on the legislation, the ICTE establishes its certification scheme for granting the Q for Quality Tourism, the law explained the requirements on issues such as accessibility, traffic guidance, the security plan or plan of rescue or first aid.