The Xunta announces the annual line of aid for the improvement of infrastructure of tourist establishments

The Xunta announces the annual line of aid for the improvement of infrastructure of tourist establishments

  • Aimed at accommodation and restaurant establishments.
  • The deadline for submitting aid, with a budget of €3.5 M, is available until February 19 through the Xunta’s electronic headquarters.


The Official Gazette of Galicia published last week the annual call for aid that covers accessibility, digitalization or modernization carried out by Galician tourist establishments. This is a line of aid with a budget of €3.5 million, available for both accommodation and restaurant establishments, including hotel establishments, tourism camps, rural tourism establishments, tourist apartments, tourist lodges, and registered restaurants and classified in the REAT.


The subsidies will be granted on a competitive basis, and companies have until February 19 to submit their application through the electronic headquarters of the Xunta de Galicia, procedure code TU503A.


Eligible actions are considered to be those aimed at improving accessibility conditions and removing architectural barriers; works to improve facilities with the purpose of obtaining quality certifications, especially the Q for Tourist Quality; actions aimed at adapting to regulatory modifications and improving the classification of the establishment that entails an increase in category; renovation and modernization actions of the facilities and beautification of the facility’s surroundings; movable equipment necessary for operation; actions to improve air conditioning that promote sustainability with the implementation of energy saving measures, as well as the installation or improvement of air extraction and renewal systems; digitalization actions of the establishment’s management and marketing systems; and the adaptation of health and safety systems in the provision of services.


The net investment admitted will be up to €100,000. The assessment criteria will take into account seniority, the degree of investment, the impact on employment, the size of the entity or company, whether the company or entity is in possession of some quality certificate or some international environmental certification. recognized referring to the establishment for which aid is requested, or that the company or entity has implemented a training plan/equality plan.