The Xunta offers 350 guided routes to visit the National Park of the Atlantic Islands between July and September

The Xunta offers 350 guided routes to visit the National Park of the Atlantic Islands between July and September

  • Registration can be done in advance on the website of the reservation center or in person at the Cíes and Ons information stands on the day of the visit.
  • The excursions will be made in small groups to offer a quality experience.


One more year the Xunta de Galicia launches its program of guided tours to visit the Maritime-Terrestrial National Park of the Atlantic Islands of Galicia during the summer. This time there are 350 organized routes, with approximately 4,000 places available.


All visits are free, but visitors must pay for the transfer to the island. In order to offer a top quality experience, all the routes will be done in small groups.


In the case of Cíes and Ons, interested persons may sign up in person at the information stands located on the islands themselves or through the reservation center. Guided tours will take place daily until Friday, September 15. In addition to this, excursions (with 250 seats) are also organized every Wednesday at 12:00 noon during the months of July and August in the case of Cíes, and on Thursdays at the same time in Ons.


For Cortegada and Sálvora there will be excursions for groups of 10 to 15 people, with 154 places in total. The reservation can only be made through the enabled website. For Cortegada, 6 visits are offered every Sunday, from July 23 to August 27. For Sálvora: the same number of visits, but every Monday from July 24 to August 28.


The request through the reservation center for visits to the Sálvora and Cortegada archipelagos may be made until the Thursday before the excursion; and for Cíes and Ons up to 24 hours before the route begins for online reservations, or on the same day in case of booking in person.