What is SIMADA?


SIMADA (Accommodation Data Monitoring and Analysis System) is a tool for monitoring and analyzing occupancy data, forecasting, prices… available to accommodation companies that have a PMS (Propery Management System).


How much does it cost me?


This tool will be free for companies that join the program.


Who can see my data?


Nobody. The system has been designed to guarantee the confidentiality of the information provided. Only aggregated and anonymized data can be consulted. The accommodation will receive a confidentiality contract signed by the Cluster and the service provider company.


What do you offer me?


It facilitates decision-making by accommodations, as it establishes a comparison between the company and a selection of other establishments: it provides a comparison between my occupancy rate and that of the destination, as well as information on average accommodation prices and the sales channel. In addition, it allows you to consult updated data on the type of traveler and their origin, in order to define communication strategies.

What should I contribute?


Permission to connect to the establishment management PMS.


Who starts it?


The Galician Tourism Cluster, with financing from the Xunta de Galicia-Axencia Turismo de Galicia and in collaboration with the integrated associations (Federations, Provincial Associations, Sectoral Associations…) make SIMADA available to any accommodation company interested in joining the initiative.


How does it work?


The objective is to offer first-hand information on reservations and prices for two different accommodation establishments in order to make the best decisions in the business sphere.

With SIMADA you will be able to monitor establishment opening data, available capacity, contracting, provisioning, price fixing, occupancy data… and more.

The greater the sex or number of companies adhered to the system,

the greater the quality of the data obtained.


Complete the registration form to join SIMADA!

SIMADA Presentation Event


On May 31, 2023, the Cidade da Cultura will announce the presentation of the system. The objective of the session was to provide accommodation companies with a system that allows comparison of occupancy data with respect to the destination or similar non-destination companies, prices, evolution, etc. In this way, the risk in business decision-making is reduced and the profitability of two establishments is increased.

Informative day


On November 19, 2024, the Cluster made a second presentation of the monitoring system, de novo, in the Cidade da Cultura de Galicia. You can see the full exhibition starting at minute 2:32:15 in the following video.
