Tourism Day December 20, 2022
Good practices in tourism management
The tourism sector is one of the largest sources of employment and one of the main drivers of economic and social development. Therefore, the travel industry must be understood as a transversal and integrating element, capable of contributing to the proper economic, social and environmental development of destinations.
To do this, it is essential that the different tourism stakeholders, both public and private, share their experiences and knowledge. Thus, next Tuesday, December 20 in Vilagarcía de Arousa will be to know examples of good practices in tourism management in various fields, as well as to value the benefits in the medium and long term that has both for companies and for destinations the implementation of appropriate management systems.
The conference “Best practices in tourism management” is materialized in a technical conference lasting one morning, which is structured through presentations and round tables. In addition, the event is aimed primarily at professionals in the tourism sector and, in general, to anyone interested in attending.
The maximum deadline for registration will be December 19 at 18.00h
Tuesday 20 December 2022. Municipal Auditorium of Villagarcía de Arousa.
Simultaneous streaming broadcast
09:00 Reception of attendees
09:30 Welcome and institutional opening
Tania García Sanmartín, 1st Deputy Mayor of Vilagarcía de Arosa
Cesáreo G. Pardal, President of the Galician Tourism Cluster
Carmela Silva, President of the Pontevedra Provincial Council
10:00 Round table: Best practices in destination
Moderated by: Ana Laura Iglesias, Deputy of Tourism and Youth of the Diputación de Pontevedra
Emilio Torres, Via Verde y del Aceite
Paulo Queiroz, JPQ Consultores, Portugal
11:00 Presentation: Analysis and forecast of tourism through Big Data
Fiorella Petrone and Jaime de la Calzada, from Amadeus.
11:45 Coffee break
12:15 Lecture: Tourist experiences
Víctor Sixto, expert in tourism and food and wine
12:45 Round table: good business practices
Moderated by: Ana Mª Mejías, Deputy for New Technologies and Business Development of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra
María Troncoso, from Hospitality for the Climate, Coca-Cola EuroPacific Partners
Rafael González, Managing Partner of Vivential Value
Roberto Fraga, CEO of Pilgrim
14:00 Closing of the event
Jesús Picallo, Vice President of the Galician Tourism Cluster
Ana Mª Mejías, Deputy for New Technologies and Business Development of the Provincial Council of Pontevedra.
Nava Castro, Director of Tourism of Galicia
Place and date
Tuesday, December 20, 2022.
Municipal Auditorium of Villagarcía de Arousa.