Good course for cruise tourism in Galicia

A Coruña, with 67 stopovers and 91,932 passengers during the first seven months of the year, was the most visited Galician port.


The 43 stopovers and 71,052 cruise passengers registered in Vigo between January and July have allowed it to surpass the figures for the same period in 2019.


Cruise tourism has also joined the wave of recovery in activity that the tourism sector in general is experiencing this year. The latest data made public by Puertos del Estado (State Ports) have set an all-time record for ships arriving at docks throughout Spain, since during the first seven months of this year 2,384 vessels were counted, which has allowed them to surpass the 2,231 of 2019. Even so, the recovery is not total, since the lower percentage of occupancy recorded by cruise ships between January and July this year has meant that the total number of cruise passengers is still slightly below the figures for 2019.


As for the Galician ports, A Coruña has topped the ranking of cruises and visitors by adding 67 stopovers and 91,932 passengers during the first seven months of this year, while Vigo has reached 43 cruises and 71,052 visitors during the same period. The State Ports statistics also include data from Ferrol-San Cibrao (6 cruises and 3,661 passengers) and Vilagarcía (2 cruises and 383 passengers). In the case of Marín, there is only one cruise ship, but no passengers.


The Port of Vigo has also made public the data broken down for the last few years, which shows that the accumulated figures for the first seven months of this year 2022 are notably higher than those registered during the same period in 2019 (31 cruise ships and 63,195 passengers). Likewise, while waiting to know the number of passengers for last August, the number of ships shows that the good evolution of the sector has been maintained, since there were 7 cruise ships that passed through the port of Vigo, 3 more than in August 2019.


A Coruña has already advanced that the number of cruise passengers received in August was 22,000, which raises the accumulated annual total to more than 110,000 visitors. And the forecasts for September are positive, as they expect to receive more than twenty vessels.