The Tourism Cluster of Galicia conveys its support and solidarity to all those affected by the wave of fires that the community is suffering

The Tourism Cluster of Galicia conveys its support and solidarity to all those affected by the wave of fires that the community is suffering

 The entity shows its appreciation to all the professionals who are fighting the fires


The Tourism Cluster of Galicia shows its concern for the wave of fires that are mainly affecting areas of the provinces of Lugo and Ourense. First of all, from the Cluster we want to convey our support and solidarity to all those affected by this wave of fires, to those evicted, to those who lost their homes and to all those who lived hours of uncertainty and concern about the fire situation. Likewise, from the entity that brings together the Galician tourism sector, we would like to acknowledge the work of all the professionals who worked tirelessly to extinguish the fire.


Of course we extend our solidarity and support to the rest of the communities in Spain that are suffering the ravages of the fires. We deeply regret the situation being experienced by the families of the populations who are suffering the loss of their natural resources and which is having a major impact on their socio-economic situation. We hope that the weather conditions will favour the efforts of the professionals fighting the fires as soon as possible so that they can extinguish the fires as soon as possible.