The summer of the Spanish tourist: more spending and a predilection for domestic travel and hotels and flats  

The summer of the Spanish tourist: more spending and a predilection for domestic travel and hotels and flats  

The Cetelem Observatory survey forecasts that the average outlay per person will grow by 17% compared to 2021 and will reach 1,184 euros.


This summer, domestic tourism is taking a new step on the road to recovery from the situation prior to the covid pandemic. Spaniards’ spending intentions this year stand at 1,184 euros per person, an increase of 17% on last summer’s 1,015 euros and very close to the 1,241 euros for 2019.


The data compiled by the Cetelem Observatory, from BNP Paribas Personal Finance, shows that 34% of the people surveyed have expressed their intention to spend more money than last year, while 44% will try to make a similar expenditure to that of 2021 and 23% will tighten their belts and spend less money on their holidays than twelve months ago.


As for the activities that Spaniards plan to do this summer, the list is headed by going to restaurants, something that 2 out of 3 respondents said. In second place comes shopping (44%), and in third place, travelling within Spain using hotels and flats (38%). Going to the cinema (29%), sports activities (26%), visiting theme parks with children (21%) and attending concerts and visiting friends or relatives in Spain while staying at their homes (18%) are the next preferences in this ranking.


In addition, 12% intend to go to spas or health resorts and 7% will travel around Spain by motorhome or staying at campsites.