Galician hotels in March were close to pre-pandemic figures for visitors and overnight stays

INE data reflect an increase of more than 100% compared to the same month last year.


The Galician tourism sector continues to take important steps to return to the pre-pandemic situation in terms of volume of activity. Data from the latest hotel occupancy survey conducted by the National Statistics Institute (INE) shows that during March the figures more than doubled those of the same month in 2021, going from 87,430 travellers and 176,822 overnight stays to 215,509 travellers and 411,995 overnight stays.


These figures also bring the number of travellers close to the 236,030 travellers and 459,639 overnight stays recorded in March 2019. These data reconfirm that the Galician hotel sector is closer to recovering pre-pandemic figures than the national average, where despite the increase recorded in March, the gap with respect to 2019 is still greater.


In the case of the province of A Coruña even the pre-pandemic figures were exceeded, since if in March 2019 its hotels added 104,847 travellers and 197,433 overnight stays, in the same month of this year they have reached 107,873 travellers and 200,722 overnight stays. This good evolution has been possible thanks to the increase in national travellers. Lugo also came close to the pre-pandemic figures in terms of the number of travellers (less than 2,000 short of the 2019 figures), although in this case it was thanks to foreign resident travellers, who in March of this year numbered 3,697, while in the same period of 2019 they had been 3,544.


As for the profitability of the sector, Galician hotels have also experienced significant progress by increasing by 15.73 euros the average daily rate per room with respect to March last year to a total figure of 54.42. However, they are still far from the national average, which last month was 89.05 euros per room per day.