Aware of the magnitude of the impact of the COVID-19 on the Galician tourism sector, the Association of Galician Tourism Professionals, Protuga, is undertaking various measures in defence of the sector and to convey the specific needs of these professionals to the administrations. The association also calls for the union of the sector to be stronger in the face of the coronavirus crisis
By means of questionnaires, the entity will gather the opinion of all the agents, bringing together companies from all subsectors as well as active professionals, people in an ERTE situation and unemployed people. The objective of this action is to know the particular concerns, first consequences and needs of each piece of the sector to obtain global conclusions in order to transmit them to the Administration.
In addition to this action of analyzing the needs of the sector, it is also executing a campaign of sensitization and promotion of the internal tourism for the moment in which the mobility is restored. The slogans that accompany this campaign are #EuCambioDeData #EuApoioOTurismoGalego and #EuViaxoPorGalicia, to promote that, once this stage of confinement is over, people will travel around Galicia and also for those who had reservations for this period to postpone them for other times instead of cancelling them.