Galician Tourism Cluster and ICT Cluster will cooperate to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector


Galician Tourism Cluster and ICT Cluster will cooperate to improve the competitiveness of the tourism sector

Both entities signed a framework collaboration agreement to promote projects of common interest for both sectors.

With the aim of continuing to advance in the generation of synergies and with a view to collaboration and the commitment to new technologies as fundamental values for the future of the Galician tourism sector, the Galician Tourism Cluster and the Galician ICT Cluster have signed a collaboration protocol within the framework of which to promote projects of common interest for both sectors.

“Cooperation is in our DNA as clusters and therefore we must work to promote projects that are of benefit to companies in the ICT sector and tourism, especially in the current context in which new technologies impregnate the development of a sector as competitive and changing as ours,” explained the president of the Galician Tourism Cluster (CTG), Cesáreo Pardal during the signing of the collaboration agreement with the treasurer of the ICT Cluster, Gerardo José García Alvela, which took place in the City of Culture.

The signing of this protocol is a further step in the collaboration between the two entities, which have already worked together in the development of activities around new technologies and the tourism sector. The activity of the ICT sector has a very clear impact on the tourism sector, especially in terms of competitiveness, marketing and the way in which visitors experience their visit to Galicia. The president of the ICT Cluster, Antonio Rodríguez del Corral, has emphasized the importance of the digitalization of this sector, and with it of the agreement signed with the Cluster Tourism of Galicia, “since the users demand in their leisure and tourist activities the accessibility and instantaneity with which they count in other areas of their life. This generates a wide range of new business possibilities that have not yet been exploited and will contribute to enhance innovation in one of the key sectors for the economy of Galicia.

In this sense, the cooperation between both entities will allow to advance in up to 17 actions established in the Galicia 2020 Tourism Strategy such as improving the knowledge of the tourist profile through big data, improvement and implementation of computer programs for training or business decision making, promotion of smart tourism, development of apps and studies of mobility and tourist flows in collaboration with AMTEGA, progress in tourist information offices or progress towards excellence in marketing or promotion of the sector with the implementation of ICT tools and the collection of data on the tourist, capturing information on the tourist for their loyalty.

“There are many aspects in which ICT tools can improve marketing strategies, promotion and management of companies in the tourism sector,” explained the president of the CTG, who stressed that the signing of this protocol also involves the establishment of periodic networking and innovation meetings that allow companies in the tourism sector to expose to the members of the ICT Cluster their needs, requirements and competitiveness objectives while ICT companies will develop projects that respond to these needs detected by the tourism sector, seeking funding to enable them to carry them forward.

The Cluster TIC Galicia brings together more than a hundred companies of the Galician ICT macro-sector with the aim of coordinating and dynamizing efforts to increase competitiveness, innovation, the exit to new markets, cooperation with administrations, companies and institutions with the ultimate goal of promoting all kinds of actions that allow the improvement of the Galician ICT sector, especially as regards the search for funding sources, new products and new markets, approached in innovation and R & D activities.