Through an agreement signed between Turismo de Galicia, the Instituto de Estudios del Territorio, the Agencia Gallega de Desarrollo Rural and the Fundación Galicia Sutentable for 212,000 euros, the Xunta de Galicia is committed to the development of a network of delimited, accessible and safe paths for the use and enjoyment of society.
The agreement is biannual for its development throughout this year and the next with the aim of enhancing the Galician lighthouses and boosting the localities through which passes the Path of the Lighthouses, an itinerary of landscape interest, in coherence with the nature and functions conferred on it by the spatial planning guidelines and the Coastal management plan (POL). The development of the Path began in 2014 in charge of the Sustainable Galicia Foundation analyzing the layout of the path from Tapia de Casariego. (Asturias) to the Puente de la Amistad on the border with Portugal. It is designed from 56 stages, of which three are insular, taking into account aspects of landscape, security and the existence of services, among others.
The aim of this agreement is now to articulate this path with other routes already established on the Galician coastline which are located in the surrounding area and which offer a rich cultural and ethnographic heritage, with special interest in their interweaving with the European Long Distance Route which links Saint Petersburg and Lisbon, since it would include it in its entirety.
On the other hand, the project seeks to generate an integrated management model that will lead to a greater identification of Galicians with the Lighthouse Path, placing value on the territorial resources of the coastline and recovering connections with alternative routes, which sometimes fall into oblivion. In order to achieve this, a programme of actions and activities will be carried out that include the creation of a cultural and landscape characterisation, the carrying out of a public participation process that allows the identification of problems and the concretion of objectives and a management model by projects including the EduCamiño project (a didactic programme aimed at training centres, local associations and tourism management professionals), the CoidaCamiño project (a programme aimed at training centres, local associations and tourism management professionals) and the CoidaCamiño project (a programme aimed at training centres, local associations and tourism management professionals (land and landscape stewardship agreements) or the MetaCamiño (for the documentation of activities carried out).