Galicia’s active tourism companies plan for 2019

Galicia’s active tourism companies plan for 2019

The companies of active tourism, of adventure and of nature of Galicia grouped in the Galician Association of Companies of Active Tourism, of Aventur and of Nature, AGETAN, celebrated its annual general assembly with the objective of defining its planning for the rest of the year.

Among the decisions taken at the assembly include a series of measures to enhance its visibility as an association as the renewal of the website. Another of the proposals to be included in the Action Plan 2019 is to continue promoting the training of professionals who make up the association, so they are planning the implementation of specific training actions and the implementation of a day of reflection on the decree that will regulate the activity of active tourism, in order to reflect and analyze it.

The battery of proposals put forward by tourism professionals during the meeting also includes others such as the implementation of systems that allow them to increase the competitiveness of the sector through the use of ICT.