€1.8M to revalue the tourist potential of the marinas of Galicia

  • This is a collaboration agreement between Turismo de Galicia and the Association of Nautical Clubs of Galicia (ASNAUGA).
  • Action that is part of the Territorial Plan for Tourism Sustainability of the Coast, launched with Next Generation funds.


Thanks to the signing of this agreement, all tourist assets linked to nautical tourism will be revalued: actions to improve the efficiency of Galicia’s port infrastructure, rehabilitation of infrastructure, improvement of services, digitalization of resources to optimize the visitor experience…


Greater cohesion and integration is intended, through the creation of coastal services in the estuaries, the creation and promotion of innovative entrepreneurship projects, the development of nautical activities and sports, among others.


Taking as reference the success stories in Portugal, France or Germany in the field of river tourism, the aim is to ensure that nautical tourism is seen as a potential to offer mobility and hospitality services.