The Congress of Spanish Hoteliers will be held in Malaga from 30 May to 1 June

Malaga is the city chosen by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodation to hold its Congress of Spanish Hoteliers. From 30 May to 1 June, professionals and experts will meet for two full days of round tables and lectures to give the professional content of this Congress. The conference will focus on deepening the current environment, now into the twenty-first century, both tourism and other economic activities in our country. Beyond legal frameworks or changes in the hotel industry as we know it today, the Congress will try to respond to more motivational aspects, product development and understanding and adaptation to the customer. Is it the supply that has to match the demand? How to get to the super-specialization demanded by the current client? Do we have time to adapt to the millennials or are we already focusing on capturing the attention of the Z generation?

Hotel CSR Awards
During the annual meeting, the Hotel Corporate Social Responsibility Awards will also be presented, together with Tourism&Law and CEHAT, an initiative of the InterMundial Foundation, which rewards hotels that carry out actions aimed at improving their social, economic and environmental environment, understanding tourism not only as an economic driving force, but also as a driving force for social well-being. An increasing number of companies are becoming aware of issues such as environmental protection, accessibility and gender equality, which can help to raise awareness among others about sustainable practices and increase their competitiveness through a Corporate Social Responsibility policy.