Galicia Tourism Cluster promotes the “Family Destination” programme to increase the number of establishments participating in the initiative

Galicia Tourism Cluster promotes the “Family Destination” programme to increase the number of establishments participating in the initiative

The president, Cesáreo Pardal, and the director of Galicia Tourism, Nava Castro, participated in Santiago in the presentation of a video and of the new actions that will be carried out within the framework of this project.


The president of the Galicia Tourism Cluster, Cesáreo Pardal, said today that Galicia is a model of recovery after the pandemic when facing the development of tourism from a strategic point of view, which includes the promotion of the destination for families.


Cesáreo Pardal took part in the presentation of the new actions to be carried out within the framework of the “Galicia Family Destination” programme promoted by the Cluster in collaboration with the Galicia Tourism Agency.


The presentation was also attended by the director of Galicia Tourism, Nava Castro; the consulting partner of the company Autoxiro Turismo, responsible for the implementation of the project, Emilio Cuiñas; and the head of Hostal/Apartamentos Rodeiramar, Merchi Rodal.


The president of the Cluster stressed that Galicia knew how to “identify in time the different scenarios that we could face” and prepared “an initial period in which the tourism of greater proximity would begin to recover, of people who would travel by car and in very small groups”. He added that “Galicia was also prepared to guarantee the safety of the people who choose this destination”. This was helped “by the fact that we had been able to offer tourism in open spaces, in contact with nature and not overcrowded”.


In this sense, he referred to the “Galicia Family Destination” programme as “an example of this strategy that today places Galicia in an advantageous position and in front of new opportunities”.


The director of Galicia Tourism, Nava Castro, stressed that campaigns like this “allow us to visualise Galicia as a destination adapted to the needs of a family that wants to rest, enjoy the landscape, our tourist resources with accommodation and tourist offer adapted to their needs”. In this sense, Castro stressed that the commitment to family tourism is transversal for the Galician Government since “we seek to adapt other tourism products to the needs of these travelers, such as, for example, the case of the Way of St. James, which we also want to be increasingly more family-friendly”.


The head of the project, Emilio Cuiñas, recalled that ” Galicia Family Destination ” emerged in 2016 “with the main objective of adopting mechanisms that allow the positioning of this Community as a reference destination in tourism for families”. The programme offers a common strategy for establishments specialising in the family segment. It also allows, he added, “tourists to identify hotels, restaurants, rural tourism houses, etc. that have facilities, activities or other services adapted and designed for families”.


There are currently some 60 establishments that have signed up. Those responsible for the initiative hope to increase the number of participating companies and to continue working on the objective of disseminating the project.


To this end, they will increase the contents of the website and distribute promotional material such as information bags and leaflets. At today’s event they also presented a new video with images of different destinations adapted to family tourism.