The Cluster encourages the participation of Galician companies in the virtual day of ITB Berlin

The Cluster encourages the participation of Galician companies in the virtual day of ITB Berlin

The German trade fair will hold a networking event on 19 March to put professionals and suppliers from all over the world in contact with each other.


The consequences of the pandemic are once again affecting the development of ITB Berlin. Last year the German tourism fair opted to hold a virtual edition and on this occasion those in charge have opted for a hybrid format in which the use of new technologies will once again take precedence in order to favour participation and avoid the risks and conditioning factors that are still present. In view of this situation, the central events of the ITB Berlin convention on 8, 9 and 10 March will be complemented on 17 March with the ITB Digital Business Day, a day designed to “offer tourism market professionals and suppliers from all over the world the opportunity to establish contacts from anywhere in the world”.


Galician companies will join this activity on the 17th thanks to the intermediation of the Galician Tourism Cluster, which will manage and pay the registration fees for those who wish to take part in the networking event. Those interested have until Thursday 24 February to contact the Cluster via email indicating the name of the company, address and telephone number, the name and surname of the company’s representative and a contact email and telephone number.


ITB Berlin explains that the day “offers buyers and suppliers who have not yet benefited from the services of the fair, the opportunity to establish contacts and do business. It focuses on networking and business and is complemented by ITB Convention sessions from the on-demand programme”. Participants can provide details of their business interests, based on which they will receive suggestions of contacts to meet in audio and video sessions. In addition, they will be able to participate in two one-hour Speed Networking sessions where, depending on their interests, they will be assigned several meeting partners.