WE ARE WHAT WE DO. We do Quality Tourism

With the dual objective of achieving greater knowledge and recognition of the Galician tourism sector and the Galician Tourism Cluster, we launched this branding initiative under the slogan “We are what we do. We make quality tourism”. With it we seek to reinforce the communication with the Galician tourist sector as well as the feeling of belonging to a collective.

The campaign, aimed at professionals in the Galician tourism sector, seeks to achieve greater recognition of Galicia as a tourist destination while boosting our self-esteem as a strong and modern sector. Hence the choice of real professionals who with their image reflect the example of quality service and excellence offered by the Galician tourism sector.

Marta Varela, travel consultant; Fran Martís, head of restaurant room; Elena Sueiro, governs in a hotel; Lourdes Caramés, physiotherapist in a thermal centre or María Otero, head of enotourism are the visible face of this territory for those who visit us, and the excellence of our services must be the value that we must transmit.

Together we make possible a quality tourism, open and sustainable, with a rich and diverse offer in which professionals are the best ambassadors of our brand.

Finally, the second objective of the campaign is to make the Galician Tourism Cluster and its initiatives better known. To be part of the Cluster is to contribute to the progress of the Galician tourism sector, which is a fundamental engine in the economic and social development of our land.

KNOWLEDGE: Strengthen communication with professionals in the Galician tourism sector and publicize the activities of the Galician Tourism Cluster.

RECOGNITION: Pontenciar tourism in Galicia and the appreciation of all Galicians to our territory
